Time & Location
Jul 28, 2021, 7:04 PM
Charlotte, 324 S Mint St, Charlotte, NC 28202, USA
About the Event
As you know we are planning another Charlotte Knights baseball outing for July 28th. This outing will be managed by our Vice Chairman Art Ringwald.
Here is what you need to know if you are interested:
1. The cost of the tickets is be $90.00 per person. The club will pick up $50.00 of that amount for club members leaving $40.00 to be paid by each attendee. If we have the opportunity to invite family and/or guests the charge per ticket will be the full $90.00
2. We will have 30 total tickets.
3. Beer and wine, pretzel bites and a buffet dinner will be included. Please see below for other food items
4. If you want to attend, please send me a note via email requesting your ‘
ticket. When I receive your request, I will confirm if there is space for you
or not. If there is space, you will need you send your $40.00 check ($90.00 for
non-members if space is available) made out to The Charlotte Executive Club within 48
hours to:
Hal Murry
Charlotte Executive Club
1518 High Street
Charlotte, NC 28212
5. Once you are confirmed and pay your fee to the club I will send you your tickets at whatever address you wish.
6. We will limit ticket issuance to club members only until the close of business on July 6 at which time any unclaimed tickets will be made available for spouses and guests on a fist come, first served basis. Depending on demand we reserve the right to limit each club member to one spouse or guest. Please do not request spouse and or guest tickets until July 7th. The confirmation process for spouses and guests will be the same as for club members.
7. As of this writing the following 18 club members have requested tickets and need to send their $40.00 to Hal:
George E
Bob M
Bobby Hanner
Ray K
Randy R
Ralph Strayhorn
Mark E
Bill R
Bob Bruchette
Tom S